No. 100320
The Red Panda lives in the forests of the Himalayas and China, spending much of its time in trees eating bamboo and other plants, as well as the occasional small animal.
The Red Panda has a long and complicated history in the Animal Kingdom. It has previously been believed to be a member of the bear family, closely related to the panda, and it has also been placed in the raccoon family. However, both of these relationships proved to be false, and the truth is that the Red Panda belongs in its own family, the Ailuridae. It is a “living fossil” with no close living relatives, although it is closer aligned with raccoons, skunks, and weasels, and only very distantly related to the Giant Panda.
Red Pandas are endangered, and only about 10,000 are believed to remain in the wild. Habitat loss is a key factor in the decline of the Red Panda, as is fragmentation due to their habitat being split apart by urban development, which leaves the animal’s territory divided.