Fox sister Jasmine Fennec and her baby brother Caleb have packed their little cart with all kinds of things. Theyve been looking forward to this picnic for a long time and want to make sure they have everything they need.
This set includes a ride on tricycle with trailer attached, perfect for carrying all your picnic supplies. When you arrive at your chosen spot, you can spread out the picnic blanket and unpack all your goodies. Theres a flask of tea with two cups and fox-shaped bread and snacks too.
Includes: Fennec Fox girl, Fennec Fox baby, Pushcart, Box (Table), Doughnuts, Bread, Popcorn, Banana, Candy, Plates x2, Cup (Green), Cup (Purple), Basket, Pitcher, Pitcher (Lid), Picnic Blanket.
Ages: 3+