The first commercially available SCUBA gear was invented in 1943 by the famous marine explorer Jacques Costeau. Since then, multiple iterations of SCUBA gear have been designed and improved to give explorers the best opportunity possible to adventure below the ocean’s surface. A hugely important part of the tourism industry for many tropical destinations, SCUBA diving is one of the most popular nature-based activities worldwide!
Absolutely thrilled with this piece and with the blue shark I also ordered. My budding icthyologist granddaughter who has long blonde hair is going to love this when I turn it into an ornament for the all-things-oceanic Christmas tree I'm creating for her. This will look like her swimming amongst all the creatures she is so in love with, especially sharks. Thanks for the great items, so detailed and precise. Your usual customer handling makes buying from your company a totally pleasurable experience! I'll be back for more!!