No. 100509
The Grey Wolf is the largest member of the canine family, and its ancestor is believed to be the ancestor of all domestic dogs. Wolves are highly intelligent, social predators that are able to bring down large prey including deer, and sometimes even bison and moose.
Grey Wolves, also known as Timber Wolves, have existed for over 800,000 years. Once found across the entirety of Eurasia and North America, they are know almost entirely gone from much of the United States and Europe, with their range a small fragment of what it once was.
Currently in North America, Grey Wolves are found only in Canada, Alaska, northeastern Greenland and a handful of U.S. states. Recovery efforts are underway in many areas, but many still harbor negative attitudes toward wolves, especially farmers who lose livestock to wolf predation. The Grey Wolf’s decline is due not only to the expansion of farming and agriculture, but also the decline of important prey species including bison and caribou.