The BQM-34A Firebee is an unmanned aerial vehicle used as a target for pilot training and air defense crews. It was built to meet the needs of the United States Air Force for variable speed targets. Developed by the American company Teledyne Ryan Aeronautical. An army version was also produced – the MQM-34D with a ground launcher.
In flight mode, the drone was controlled by an operator via radio. After being hit by a rocket or after the end of the mission, the device landed with a parachute.
Various aircraft acted as aircraft carriers of drones. One of the options was the DB-26. In the version of the carriers, absolutely all weapons were removed from the aircraft, and unmanned targets were suspended on the pylons under the wing.
ITEM NUMBER 48403 SCALE 1:48 DATE 10.08.2021 TIME PERIOD Before 1950 MARKINGS US Navy BQM-34 Firebee Target Drone. Naval Base Ventura County. US Navy BQM-34 completed 36 successful missionsUS Air Force BQM-34 Firebee Target Drone, Wallace Air StationUS Navy BQM-34 Firebee Target Drone, 2000s MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X WIDTH) 146 x 82 mm