WWII German Fighter
Probably the most famous fighter of WWII was German Messerschmitt Bf 109.
The modification Bf 109F designed in spring 1940 became one of the best fighter aircraft of this period. It had more powerful engine DB 601E and considerable improvements in the aerodynamic. Since March 1941 it was produced Bf 109F-2 fighters that had 15-mm machine cannon MG 151/15. In June 1941 appeared modification Bf 109F-4 with 20- mm MG 151/20, better armor and other improvements. Anti-dust filters and GM 1 boost system were installed in Bf 109F-4z/Trop modification that was produced since August 1941.
Bf 109F became the basis of German fighter aviation during Barbarossa operation. They took part in hard air battles from the Kola to the Crimea peninsulas. Since autumn Bf 109F were used in the North Africa. Many German aces – W. Molders, G. Lutzov, H. Trautloft, H.-J. Marseille and others piloted these fighters.
ITEM NUMBER 48105 SCALE 1:48 DATE 15.01.2017 TIME PERIOD WW2 MARKINGS Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4Z/Trop, Oblt. Hans-Joachim Marseille, Staffelkapitan 3./JG27, Ain El Gazala/Libya, June 1942. Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4Z/Trop, Lt. Hans-Joachim Marseille, 3./JG27, Martuba/Libya, February 1942. Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4Z/Trop, Oblt. Ernst Dullberg, Gruppen-Adjutant II./JG27, Tmimi/Libya, May 1942. Messerschmitt Bf 109F-4Z/Trop, Lt. Jurgen Harder, 7./JG53, Martuba/Libya, June 1942. MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X WIDTH) 188 x 207 mm BOX SIZE 247 x 183 x 33 mm NUMBER OF DETAILS 94