The set includes 176 parts for assembly of I-153 fighter model kit and 29 parts for assembly of 3 figures of Soviet pilots (1939-1942 periods).
The last and most perfect in N. N. Polikarpov design bureau biplane fighters family was the I-153.It had gull-shape dupper wing, retractable chassis and more powerful armament with four ShKAS machine guns. Serial planes had M-62 radial engines, late series – more powerful M-63.
The maiden flight was in August 1938. All in all in 1939-1941 it were made 3437 planes. In summer 1941 I-153 “Chaika” (the “Gull”) was the basis of the Soviet Fighter Aviation with I-16 fighters. I-153 were used in combat until mid 1943.
ITEM NUMBER: 32013 SCALE: 1:32 DATE: 21.07.2020 TIME PERIOD: WW2 MARKINGS: I-153, 70th IAP Fighter Regiment, Khalhin-Gol, August 1939 I-153, 15th IAP Fighter Regiment, Lithuania, June 1941 I-153, 72nd SAP Mixed Regiment of Nord Fleet Air Force, Vaenga 1941 I-153 flown by Major P.I. Biskup, 71st IAP Fighter Regiment of the Baltic Fleet Air Force, Lavansaari, Summer 1942 MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X WIDTH): 195 x 312 mm BOX SIZE: 410 x 260 x 55 mm NUMBER OF DETAILS: 176+29A exotic kit of a aircraft that was out dated in the early days of ww2, but it was still a great aircraft just past it's best days. Plastic is very nice and crisp with plenty of detail and knowing ICM it should go together without too much of a issue.