Among other equipment supplied during the Second World War to the USSR from the United States (as part of Lend-Lease deliveries) were Chevrolet trucks. Their deliveries began in 1942. These vehicles with a carrying capacity of 1.5 tons were used both in combat units and in the rear. They were used to transport infantry, as artillery tractors, ambulances, mobile radio stations, to deliver ammunition, etc.
In addition to the main modification, the army also used the G7117 modification, which was distinguished by the presence of a winch in the front of the chassis.
Reliable enough and easy to operate, maneuverable and with good maneuverability, these trucks were loved and respected by the soldiers. After the end of the war, they continued to serve in the Soviet Army until the mid-1950s.
– Includes a Chevrolet G7117 car and two figures of Soviet drivers from 1943-1945
– Highly detailed model
– Accurate details of the uniforms of the drivers
ITEM NUMBER 35596 SCALE 1:35 DATE 19.11.2021 TIME PERIOD WW2 MARKINGS ÐÐ-13-16 based on G7107, 84th Red Banner Novozybkovsky Guards Mortar Regiment, November 1943 ÐÐ-13-16 based on G7107, unknown guards mortar regiment, 1943 MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X HEIGHT) 190 x 85 mm BOX SIZE 294 x 230 x 58 mm NUMBER OF DETAILS 326+46 FIGURES AVAILABILITY Yes FIGURES COUNT 4