With this SOLUTION BOX, you will be able to apply the most common colours and effects found on the rolling stock operating on British railway lines of any era.
In this SOLUTION BOX, you will not only find the accurate colour paints and weathering products, we have also included the valuable resource A.MIG-1302 How to Weather British Trains SOLUTION BOOK, a complete guide with step-by-step tutorials in four languages (English, Spanish, French, and German), a simple and easy to follow 96-page guide explaining how to apply the different colours and effects common to British rolling stock of all eras. SOLUTION BOOK is a simple and basic guide intended to help any modeller easily achieve similar results to those shown in each example. It doesn´t matter if the reader is a novice or a more seasoned and experienced modeller, by following the steps in this guide you will be able to obtain amazing results on models from any brand and in any scale with very little effort.
SOLUTION BOX is a simple and comprehensive system providing you with everything required to paint and weather your British subjects. This includes both the application of the primer layer and the different painting and weathering effects. The correct products and colours are included for applying filters, washes, fading, streaking, and many more effects. This box includes everything except the model kit. A great idea and solution for every beginning modeller and those experienced modellers that enjoy the accuracy and convenience provided by the Solution Box all-in-one format.
Includes the products:
AMMO.R-1302 AMMO RAIL CENTER SOLUTION BOOK #03 – How to Weather British Trains
(Multilingual Book)
AMMO.R-0002 RAIL CENTER Engine Black
AMMO.R-0027 RAIL CENTER Ochre Sand
AMMO.R-0030 RAIL CENTER Light Grey
AMMO.R-0041 RAIL CENTER Grimy Brown
AMMO.R-0500 RAIL CENTER Acrylic Thinner
A.MIG-1407 Engine Grime EFFECTS
A.MIG-1800 EFFECTS BRUSHER - Fresh Engine Oil
A.MIG-2018 Enamel Odourless Thinner (35mL)
A.MIG-2041 ONE SHOT PRIMER Transparent
A.MIG-3005 PIGMENT Medium Rust
A.MIG-3013 PIGMENT Rubble