Tinkers, also known as Gypsy Horses, Gypsy Vanners, and Irish Cobs, are a breed of horse developed by the Roma people to pull their caravans. They are usually piebald in pattern, with a long straight mane and “feathering” around their feet which gives the bottom of their legs a shaggy appearance.
Though these horses have been selectively bred by the Roma people for many decades, the Tinker, or Gypsy Vanner, was only recently recognized in 1996 as a true horse breed. Tinkers are specially trained to pull carts and caravans of the traveling Roma, and feature attributes of many breeds which were incorporated into the lineage, including Shire horses, Clydesdales, and Dales Ponies. The long, silky, straight hair that starts below the knees is known as “feathering” and is a popular trait of the Tinker horse
I absolutely love this little horse. I repainted it to take on the appearance of my horse and I’m over the moon with the results
I love it, big thumbs up