Kronosaurus belongs to a marine reptile group called pliosaurs. This toothy predator cruised the oceans during the early Cretaceous, about 120 million years ago. It hunted prey such as fish and other marine reptiles.
Kronosaurus was first named in 1924 by H. Longman, who described a large jaw fragment discovered in Queensland, Australia. Longman was inspired to name this mysterious giant predator after the titan Kronos who, according to Greek mythology, devoured his own children. The species name K. queenslandicus refers to the place where the jaw was found.
Kronosaurus is one of the most famous pliosaurs due to its large size and ferocious appearance. It moved its massive, wing-like flippers up and down to fly through the water like a giant penguin, and used its large head full of pointed conical teeth to catch prey. It inhabited the shallow seas of the southern hemisphere during the early Cretaceous, about 120 million years ago.
There are two species of Kronosaurus , K. queenslandicus from Australia and K. boyacensis from South America.