Balsa Usa 1/4 Fokker Dr I Triplane 1797mm WS 120/150 4C 20-30cc gas
Unquestionable the most recognized aircraft of World War I. From late 1917 unil June of 1918, the Fokker DR-1 Triplane blazed its way across history and into the popular culture of today. In the hands of men like Manfred von Richthofen "The Red Baron", Werner Voss and Ernest Udet, the Tri-plane quickly became known as the ultimate "dog fight" aircraft of World War I. In its design, Anthony Fokker and Reinhold Platz sacrificed speed for the rate of climb and maneuverability - they were successful. "They climb like monkeys and maneuver like devils" Manfred von Richthofen
Center of Gravity: 3-5/8 inches back from the leading edge of the Top Wing.
Control Throws:
Elevator: 3/4-1 inches up and down.
Rudder: 1 1/2-2 inches left and right.
Ailerons: 3/4-1 inches up and down.
Aileron Differential: 1 inch up and 3/8 inch down (differential recommended).
Top Wing: +1-2 Degree.
Middle Wing: 0.0
Bottom Wing: -1-1 1/2 Degrees.
Tail: 0.0 Degrees.
Engine Thrust Line: 2 Degrees DOWN, 1-2 Degrees RIGHT.
Arrived very quickly in good condition.
This my second triplane is now under construction and is my seventh balsa usa kit to date