Balsa Usa 1/3 Fly Baby Bipe 2235mm WS FG-61TS 35-60cc gas 11.4Kg 4Ch
The Fly-Baby Bipe was a follow on design to the "Bowers Fly Baby" a homebuilt, single-seat, open-cockpit, wood and fabric low wing monoplane that was designed by famed United States aircraft designer and Boeing Aircraft Association's 1962 design competition. Over 500 Fly Babies have been completed to date with scores still flying worldwide and there is an active network of builders and owners. It is built from plans and was designed to be constructed in a garage using only basic hand tools, by a person of average "home handyman" skills in 1962!
Due to popular demand, Balsa USA has re-released the Fly-Baby kit from the early 1980's. Although the kit is relatively simple to build and a true delight to fly, it is recommended for builders with at least some "Large Scale" model building experience under their belt.
To learn more about this fantastic little home built aircraft and to see the incredible number of possiblr colour schemes for this model , we encourage you to do an internet search for "Peter Bowers Fly-Baby" and see what all you find.