To counter the Fokker scourge early in the First World War, the Bristol Aircraft Company secretly developed the M-1. It was quite revolutionary for its time. It had a wire braced wing without external struts and featured a single Vickers .303 Caliber Machine Gun which fired through the propeller, courtesy of the "appropriate" use of Fokker's interrupter gear mechanism. Our kit of this aircraft doesn't have all the international intrigue involved with the original , but it sure is a lot of fun! Construction is quick and easy. The round type fuselage is built using formers and stringers over a rectangular crutch which is simple to build, yet gives the illusion of complex scale construction. The flying qualities are superb. Slow, graceful flight and lazy aerobatics is where the Bristol is at it's best. We invite you to enjoy the flavor of a World War I model that builds quickly and easily and flies great!
British World War I Fighter
Center of Gravity: 3-3/4 inches back from the leading edge of the Wing.
Control Throws:
Elevator: 1/2 inch up and down.
Rudder: 1 inch left and right.
Ailerons: 1/2 inch up and down.
Aileron Differential: 1/2 inch up and 1/4 inch down (differential recommended).
Engine Thrust Line: 1-2 Degrees DOWN, 1 Degree RIGHT.
Another great kit from Bala USA. Laser cut is a great move too.
Looks great can't wait to start building.