Dornier Do 217 was a German multi-purpose bomber of the Second World War. It was developed as a replacement for the Dornier Do 17 bomber. It was produced serially from November 1940 to May 1944. Dornier Do 217N-1 was night fighter on Do 217 base, with DB 603A engines, powerful armament and radar.
In total, in 1942-1943, it were produced 364 Dornier 217 night fighters of different modifications. They were in service with several night fighter regiments.
SCALE 1:48 DATE 20.05.2019 TIME PERIOD WW2 MARKINGS Do 217N-1, Rechlin, Germany, Spring 1943. MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X WIDTH) 377 x 396 mm BOX SIZE 410 x 260 x 100 mm NUMBER OF DETAILS 233An order I placed had the wrong address. When contacting HTDirect even after after I was notified the package had been dispatched they went out if there way to catch it and readdress it. Top Service one of the packaging I've seen 10/10