WWII German Night Fighter
In the beginning of 30s appeared the conception of high-speed bomber that could outstrip contemporary fighters. One of these bombers was a German aircraft Dornier Do 17. The first flight of the Do17V-1 that was announced as passenger plane, took place in November 1934.
The modification Do 17Z with new “Waffenkopf” nose part of fuselage and radial engines appeared in the end of 1938.
Since the beginning of 1940 it was produced small number of Do 215 planes that differed with the installation of liquid-cooled DB 601A engines. In 1941 it began production of night fighter modification – Do 215B-5. In these planes with powerful armament FuG 202 Lichtenstein radars were installed. They served in the night fighter unit II/NJG 1 up to the beginning of 1944.
ITEM NUMBER 48242 SCALE 1:48 DATE 15.01.2017 TIME PERIOD WW2 MARKINGS Dornier Do 215B-5, Stab ll./NJG 2, Leeuwarden, Spring 1942. Dornier Do 215B-5, Obit. P. Gildner, ll./NJG 2, Giltze-Rijen, Autumn 1941. MODEL SIZE (LENGTH X WIDTH) 350 x 375 mm BOX SIZE 410 x 260 x 55 mm NUMBER OF DETAILS 190